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  • It is the trimming of the gum line by either laser or periodontal surgery.

  • Gingivectomy is the cutting away of soft tissue only, in such a way that the firmer outer layer of the gum is preserved as far as possible.

  • Crown lengthening involves opening of the gum and contouring of the underlying bone with a drill. The gum is trimmed and sutured into the correct position.


  • An uneven gum line

  • Too much gum covering the teeth eg. Overgrown gums, due to side effects of certain medications or genetic defects

  • Teeth that appear too short

  • “Gummy smile”

  • Where a crown needs to be placed, but very little tooth is left.

  • Severe periodontitis



  • Good cosmetic result, with minimal invasion.



  • It extends total treatment time, as aesthetic treatment can only be started after healing of the gums.

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